Fostering Globalization

Intercultural Mediation Services

Let us help your company better understand and value the cultures of the people who make it up.  

Mahatma Gandhi

“The only difference between man and man all the world over is one of degree, and not of kind, even as there is between trees of the same species. Where in is the cause for anger, envy or discrimination?”

Examples of

How We Can Help You

Your Challenges


Your company has recently hired a new IT employee from India and want to make her feel at home in the company.  You’re a little afraid that being alone in the basement IT office won’t help her much.  So you thought about ordering in food from the local Indian restaurant so you and the staff can get to know her.  BUT, you are not sure if she is an Indian Hindu, who doesn’t eat beef, or Muslim, who doesn’t eat pork, and you don’t even know how to approach the subject without appearing judgmental or ignorant.  Apart from the fact that you are a caring boss and have sympathy for the new employee, it is vital to your business success to retain her services.


You may be in charge of receiving a delegation from China and really want to know the “do’s and don’ts” of their culture prior to their arrival.  It is critical that your company  makes a great impression on them that will lead to ongoing successful business opportunities.  How can you make the most of this visit?


An international classmate of mine who recently won a Stanford  “Teacher of the Year Award” gave credit to one of his professors who invited him, as a poor scholarship dependent student, home for a Thanksgiving dinner.  This is an amazing demonstration of how you can make a difference in the world.  But, having people in your home can be a challenge as well.  What steps can you take to mitigate the embarrassing problems that could arise?


Our Solutions

We are happy to provide you with the following services:


We’re happy to hear your concerns and give suggestions for free!  Introduce us to your situation and see if we can’t help you here and now!

COST Free initial consultation for up to one hour.


In more complex situations, it may take a Cultural Coach to help figure out the differences effecting your workplace.  A Cultural Coach is someone who has become an expert in a particular culture through spending significant time and experience in that culture.  Cultural Coaches can be useful in visiting international student home situations, international work places, and even city councils looking for expert advice on integrating cultures.

COST Only $75/hour in consultation fees plus any additional fees (travel, lodging, etc).


In the case of many Asian cultures, the new employee will be very hesitant to open up about their needs, especially if the other person is from a very different culture.  However, if there is an intermediary who is from or at the very least understands their culture, they are very likely to freely express their needs.  So, invite us to be your intermediary.  We’ll call or visit the new employee, discover who they are and how you can best help them integrate into your home or office.  We’ll give you a full report (that has been approved by the employee) with suggestions and activities that will be invaluable to their integration and longevity.



Whether you are about to welcome an international student from Uganda, go volunteer in Sri Lanka, send a trade delegation to China, there are things you need to know before you go.   Do you look the person in the eye? Shake hands? Give gifts? Spend time apart from business? When do you reveal your bottom line in business negotiations?  Our experts in many different cultures are ready to help you learn before you go.

SUGGESTED DONATION  $150/training session



“No human culture is inaccessible to someone who makes the effort to understand, to learn, to inhabit another world.”

― Henry Louis Gates Jr.

Get In Touch

+1 971 231 7311