a little INtro

About Us


We are a team of experts who have travelled extensively, become experts of multiple cultures and are passionate about helping others foster globalization. 


Kristopher Rubesh


I have always been very self-disciplined to maintain a good, prompt, active schedule without oversight.  I love working hard and usually have a lot of energy with an abundance of new and creative ideas.  No matter whether it is attending government meetings or doing maintenance, I have the will power and humility to efficiently get done a huge range of jobs.  Whether it is saving costs, fixing leaks, mediating for employees, or adapting processes, I take joy in getting problems fixed.  I am always looking to save money and have found many ingenious solutions without a lot of expense.


Although I am an American, I have only lived approximately 7 years in America.  I grew up in Sri Lanka, India, and the United Arab Emirates and feel quite at home in most Asian countries.  In my previous business in China, where I lived for 16 years, I interacted with over 12,000 guests from 77 different countries.  I learned to manage volunteers and staff from a number of cultures and integrate them into our business culture.  I can relate easily across many cultures, and I can easily help people feel comfortable.  As a testament to this, many guest reviews and former staff say that I was able to make them feel at home.


Loyalty is a key strength of mine.  Although I have had a career, I have also primarily made it a goal to assist others individually and use my career to better the world.  I easily create good, long-term and trusted relationships with people from all walks of life.  My enjoyment of hospitality has taught me to provide everyone with a safe place to be in, or person to be with, to be and discover who they really are.


One of the greatest benefits I have to offer are connections to other people and services.  Whether you need translation services, international school accreditation consulting, emergency consulting, assistance recruiting specialized employees, Asia related business research, or advice with import/export operations, I have the right people for you.


I’ve experienced being dooped by employees and suppliers alike. It’s not fun to have trust broken and relationships soured.  What sets me apart is that money is not my end goal.  My end goal is to use my life to help others succeed.  That is what gives me happiness and purpose in life.  Sure, we all need to make money, but I believe it is a means to an end…not an end in itself.


To Be Announced


Coming Soon…


Coming Soon




We take seriously the role of listening to you.  Not only do we truly want to understand your situation, we also don’t want to waste your time if the challenge is something we are not efficient at solving.

All of our initial consultations are free of charge up to one hour.  This gives you the chance to speak and us the opportunity to listen. 

“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”
― Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change


Having heard your challenge we want to help you in the best way possible.  Together we can design a manageable plan.  We’ll consult further experts to assure you the merits of the action plan. 

 “Those who know, do.  Those that understand, teach.”
― Aristotle 


We will check in with you on your progress, help amend the plan, and encourage you to success. 


Gain access to our network

The key to finding solutions in a globalized world is to get wisdom from the right people.


 At Eyesight Global, our experts are all very well traveled, multicultural, and can provide you with wisdom, innovation, and a listening ear.  Allow us to evaluate many different people’s solutions from many different cultures to solve your problems.


Negotiators, Rsearchers and Lawyers

Want to make sure you are getting a good deal?  Contact us for local, trustworthy, and negotiators, researchers and lawyers in our network.

Travel Agents

Want to combine a bit of business with leisure?  Let us help you see the real China.  We can tailor a plan that will give you exactly what you need.  We specialize in Tibet, Chengdu, Kunming and Beijing.

Expert translators

Whether you are doing it yourself and just need help to know what’s in the contract you are signing or how to get your newest novel translated, we can help!

Our Contacts

We work with top companies around the globe.

Get In Touch

+1 971 231 7311
